Si è tenuto questa mattina (9 Novembre 2010) l'incontro fra il Presidente del CNR Prof. Massimo Inguscio e il Direttore dell’Agenzia Europea EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) Prof. Alexis Goosdel. All'incontro ha partecipato Sabrina Molinaro nella sua veste di coordinatore europeo del progetto ESPAD. L'incontro prelude al Webinar di giovedì 12 Novembre 2020, in cui verrà presentato il Rapporto ESPAD Europeo.
In riferimento all'incontro di oggi, così scrive il Prof. Goosdel:
"This morning, I had the privilege to meet Professor Massimo Inguscio, President of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), and Dr Sabrina Molinaro, Research Executive CNR/IFC and ESPAD Coordinator.
The meeting was organised in the context of the launch of the new ESPAD survey report this week, that is a joint collaboration between the ESPAD project and the EMCDDA.
The support of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) to the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD) is a unique example in the European Union, and we wish it will be followed by other European Member States.
At a time when resources and financial support to health programmes and to drug programmes in particular may be in danger because of the "post-COVID-19" economic crisis, it is more important than ever to consider drugs and drug abuse as an essential part of our priorities, both for public health and security.”